
Good morning, Good week.

Here I am, bright and early. Once again, sleepless.
I have lots of exciting things going on during these next couple weeks and I can't wait!!!
Jerry and I are heading north in a couple of days for Steph and Justin's wedding. It's going to be beautiful :) and I'm blessed to be apart of it. We are both so ready to see our friends!
it's time for my MARATHON IN DC! I can't believe it's almost here. 1 week, 5 days. I'm so blessed to have gotten into this. Thanks to my awesome friend Alicia, I've gotten the chance to run and raise money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. It's such a great cause! We're having a send off party tomorrow night for Nike Women's in San Fran and for Marine Corp in DC. Can't wait!
Today, I am going to ACLS class. Hopefully I'll be able to pay attention...I don't function well on 4 hours of sleep. Alright, going to get ready for the day.